What Flowers To Plant In A Raised Garden Bed

What Flowers To Plant In A Raised Garden Bed

If you're looking for a way to spruce up your garden, look no further than raised garden beds! Raised garden beds are a great way to get the most out of your garden space, and they're incredibly versatile. But when it comes to deciding what kind of flowers to plant in them, it can be hard to know where to start. 

Fortunately, we have some tips on the best kinds of flowers for raised gardens that'll have your outdoor space looking its best in no time!

In this article, we'll discuss how to select the right kind of flowers for raised garden beds and provide some examples of the best varieties for these types of gardens. We'll also explain how to care for these flowers so that you can make sure they stay healthy and vibrant throughout the season. 

Although we’ve already discussed some ideas, we want to take it a step further in this article. Whether you're new to gardening or an experienced green thumb, our guide will help you create a beautiful and flourishing flower bed in your own backyard.

Benefits Of Using Raised Garden Beds For Planting Flowers

raised garden bed with flowers

Raised beds are an ideal way to plant flowers due to their ability to provide soil quality and good drainage. Planting in a raised bed helps ensure you have well-draining soil and can promote better root growth in flowers. 

Plus, the soil in raised beds warms up quicker than ground-level soil, allowing for earlier planting of flowers. Besides that, they also offer other benefits such as:

  • Easier access to flowers for weeding and pruning
  • Ability to control soil quality, pH levels, and nutrients
  • Less compaction of the soil which can improve drainage and promote better root growth
  • Protection against pests and small animals that might otherwise damage your plants

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the types of flowers that work best when planted in raised garden beds!

Different Types Of Flowers That Thrive In Raised Garden Beds

When planning your flower garden in a raised bed it is important to choose varieties that will thrive in your climate zone and give you the most bang for your buck.

Annual flowers are an ideal choice for raised garden beds, as they require little maintenance and provide a burst of color throughout the growing season. Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one year and must be replanted each year. Popular annual flowers for raised beds include marigolds, petunias, snapdragons, pansies, and impatiens. 

These types of flower beds are also perfect for starting a cut flower garden with annual flowers such as zinnias, cosmos, larkspur, bachelor buttons, and dahlias.

Perennials are another great option for raised flower beds because they come back year after year and require very little effort to maintain. Some popular perennials include daylilies, daisies, coneflowers, black-eyed Susan's, hostas and lavender. It is important to note that perennials will generally take two or more years to establish themselves before they will bloom fully in the springtime.

Finally, bulbs make a wonderful addition to raised flower beds since they come back every year without having to be replanted again. They can be planted in the fall when temperatures start to cool off; and common bulbs used in gardens include tulips, daffodils, crocuses and alliums. 

Planting bulbs is a great way to use flowers from early spring through late summer as many bulbs will bloom at different times during the growing season.

Specific Flowers That Work Well In Raised Garden Beds

As we’ve seen, when it comes to deciding which flowers to plant, there are plenty of options. The key is to choose varieties that thrive in the environment. Let’s take a look at some of the most common varieties that homeowners choose to plant on their raised garden beds with different shapes and organization.


marigold image

When it comes to choosing a flower to plant in a raised garden bed, marigolds stand out. These vibrant and cheerful flowers are perfect for adding color and charm to any outdoor space. Not only do they look beautiful when in bloom, but they are also easy to grow and maintain. 

For example, marigolds can be planted in tiered garden beds, which will give them plenty of space to grow and bloom. To ensure success, make sure the bed has good drainage and is positioned in an area with at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Marigolds have been grown by gardeners for centuries due to their low maintenance needs and their ability to attract beneficial insects. They come in many different varieties and colors, making them a great choice for those looking for variety in their garden. When planted together, this species creates an eye-catching display that adds beauty and texture to any landscape design.


Petunias image

Petunias are a favorite flower to grow in metal garden beds. They are easy to care for and come in many varieties. Petunias have showy flowers with wide, ruffled petals that bloom in spring and summer. Plus, they come in several colors including pink, purple, white, and yellow. 

In order to get the best results, plant petunias in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight, and water them regularly throughout the growing season, typically every week or two. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer every four to six weeks for best results.


sunflower image

Sunflowers are a great option for a corner garden bed. They can bring a lot of color and texture to your flower garden, as well as attract pollinators to your space. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even try growing them from seed!

When planting sunflowers in a raised garden bed, make sure to give them plenty of room. Sunflowers can grow up to six feet tall, so give each one at least two feet of space between it and the other plants in the bed. Also keep in mind that some varieties may need staking, so be sure to plan accordingly before planting.

Another great thing about using sunflowers in your raised garden bed is that they tend to do well when planted alongside other vegetables and flowers. For example, sunflowers are often paired with tomatoes or peppers- both of which thrive in raised beds. 

So if you're looking for an easy way to add beauty and interest to your garden while also providing some tasty snacks for yourself or the local wildlife- sunflowers could be just what you need!


Dahlias image

Dahlias are an excellent choice when considering what flowers to plant in a raised garden bed. Raised beds are the perfect place to grow these types of flowers and they will add plenty of color and vibrancy to your outdoor space. 

The most common type of dahlia is the tuberous root type, which grows from a large underground stem. These dahlias typically have large, showy flowers and come in a wide variety of colors including yellow, orange, red and pink. 

Dahlias also have long stems with multiple blooms on each stem, making them ideal for use in bouquets.

Dahlias can also provide beautiful color to any garden or landscape throughout the summer and into the fall season. The bright colors will lighten up any dull area and bring life to your outdoor space. 

In any case, planting dahlias in a raised bed is a great way to add some extra beauty to your garden while creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. With proper care and maintenance, these flowers can thrive in any garden setting, providing you with beautiful blooms all season long.

Designing Your Raised Garden Bed

Now that you have a better idea of the flowers to plant in a raised garden bed, it's time to start designing your garden. Start by selecting a location that gets plenty of sun and water. Make sure it is level so your plants will get even light coverage. 

Next, decide on the size and shape of the garden bed. If you are wanting to add vegetables this year, consider making the bed larger for more planting space.

When planning what flowers to put in your raised garden bed, consider varieties that will bloom at different times throughout the growing season. This will give your garden a long-lasting burst of color from early spring until late fall. 

Also, use companion planting techniques when planning out the layout of your garden design. This helps ensure that each plant has enough nutrients and space to thrive while also providing pest control benefits.

Once you have determined which flowers and vegetables you would like in your raised garden bed, mark out where each one should go with stakes or string before digging into the soil or adding compost or mulch. 

Pay attention to how much sunlight each type of flower needs; some may require more than others for optimal blooms. Planting your flowers according to these guidelines will ensure they look their best all season long!

Planting And Maintaining Your Flowers

When it comes to planting a raised garden bed, there are many things to consider. If you want to have a good visual effect, choose several colors of flowers so that the bed looks vibrant and healthy. Also, consider companion planting when selecting the types of flowers you want to grow in order to maximize the benefits from beneficial insects and other beneficial organisms in the soil.

Once you have planted your flowers, take good care of them for optimal growth. Regularly water your plants and provide them with adequate sunlight by positioning them properly in your garden bed. 

Fertilize them every few weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer or compost tea to give them an extra boost of nutrients if needed; and deadhead spent blooms regularly to help promote more fresh flowers throughout the season. Finally, monitor your flowers closely for any signs of disease or pests so that you can take action quickly if necessary.

Tips on how to maintain your flowers

1- Proper watering

Watering is an essential part of keeping your flowers healthy and vibrant. Depending on the type of flower you have, you'll need to water your raised bed accordingly. Make sure that the soil in your raised bed is moist but not soggy. 

Generally, plants should be watered at least once a week, depending on the weather conditions. When it gets hotter during summer months, it's important to keep an eye out for dry soil and water your garden as needed.

2- Fertilizing

Fertilizing your flowers is also important for their health and longevity. You can use organic fertilizers or chemical fertilizers, depending on what works best for your particular flowers. 

Make sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging and apply it according to the directions given. Fertilizers can help increase blooms, improve soil drainage and add nutrients to the soil in your raised bed.

3- Pruning

Prune any dead or damaged branches regularly to keep your garden looking neat and tidy. Pruning helps encourage new growth while removing any potential hazards from overgrown plants. Self-seeding flowers should be pruned after they are done blooming so that they don't become overcrowded in the next season. 

However, be careful not to prune too much at once since this could shock the plants and cause them harm instead of helping them grow healthier and stronger.

In any case, no matter what flowers you plant in a raised bed; taking care of them doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. With regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning, you can make sure that your garden stays healthy and beautiful all year long!

Common Problems That Arise When Growing Flowers In Raised Garden Beds

Raised beds are great for growing flowers, as they provide ample space and improved drainage. However, they can also be tricky to work with if you don't know what you're doing. 

One of the most common problems that arise when growing flowers in raised garden beds is selecting the wrong types of flowers. Different flower varieties have different requirements for soil, water, sunlight, and other conditions to grow best. It's important to research what types of flowers will do best in your specific environment before planting them in raised beds.

Another issue that arises when planting flowers in raised garden beds is overcrowding. Too many flowers can compete for resources such as sunlight and water, resulting in weaker or smaller plants overall. To ensure that your flowers thrive, make sure to space them out properly and leave enough room between each one so they can all get the necessary nutrients they need.

Finally, it's important to be aware of any pests or diseases that could affect your flower garden. Certain edible flowers may attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, but also pests like aphids or slugs. Monitor your plants regularly and take steps to make sure these critters don't damage your flower world!

Raised Garden Beds, one of the best options to plant flowers

As we’ve discussed all over the article, by using raised garden beds for growing flowers, you can enjoy beautiful blooms throughout the year and create a stunning landscape feature that adds value to your property. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create healthy plants and achieve a successful flower garden with thriving blooms.

So if you're looking for a great way to add colour and beauty to your outdoor space this year, consider planting flowers in a raised bed! You'll be glad you did when you get to enjoy the beautiful blooms all season long.

And if you need any help, here at Frame It All we offer a wide variety of raised garden beds and accessories to choose from. Start by selecting the type of frame and size that best fits your needs, then add grow mix and soil amendments to create the perfect environment for healthy flowers. From there, it's just a matter of planting your favorite blooms, giving them plenty of water and sunshine, and watching them thrive!

Happy gardening!

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