The Best Way To Water A Raised Garden Bed

The Best Way To Water A Raised Garden Bed

Every garden needs water to thrive - but how much water and how it's delivered are just as crucial. You don't want your garden bed to run dry or turn into a moat because your watering plan was off (or because you didn't have a plan to begin with). The best way to water raised beds depends on several factors, so understanding the options will help you provide sufficient moisture for a happy, healthy garden.

Watering by Hand vs. by Hose

We'll start by discussing these tried-and-true watering methods. Hand watering using a can gives you more control over how much water is applied, and it's less likely to disrupt the roots and soils. However, it's the most labor-intensive method, and if you're out of town for a couple of days or simply forget, your plants could end up stressed out.

A hose or spigot connection allows much faster water flow and doesn't require lugging a huge can around, saving a lot of time. You can also attach a timer so they emit water on a schedule, which is a huge help when life gets in the way. The biggest drawback is that the water pressure tends to be higher, so you'll need to attach the right sprinkler head or a dripline to avoid washing soil away. You also don't have as much control over where the water goes.

Raised Garden Bed Irrigation

If you have a large bed or several beds, you might consider installing a drip irrigation system. This involves a series of tubes, drip lines and emitters connected to a water source. It's the easiest and most efficient way to water a garden, but an irrigation system can be time-consuming and costly to set up, so it may not be worth the investment for smaller gardens.

Other Raised Bed Watering Tips

  • Know your plant's watering needs. Every plant species requires different water amounts for the best growth, and the root zones reach different depths. Soils behave differently, too, with some retaining more water than others. You'll need to account for these things when watering.
  • Water less frequently but more deeply. This allows more water to reach the root depth so they don't have to work as hard.
  • Water in the morning. This is when temperatures are at the coolest, so less water will evaporate and you're less likely to scald the foliage.
  • Water evenly and consistently. Like many people, plants respond better to a set schedule. You want to water evenly so there are no dry or soggy soil patches.

Start Your Gardening Dream at Frame It All

If you're looking for a stylish raised garden bed to apply these tips, check out our composite wood raised garden bed kits. We offer modular garden beds in a variety of sizes, depths and shapes from classic rectangular garden beds to tiered beds and L-shaped corner beds. They're made of long-lasting composite materials so you can focus on planting your favorite crops and giving them the water they need to bloom.

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