How to Easily Recognize & Fix Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes

How to Easily Recognize & Fix Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes

If you're a tomato lover, you know the devastation that blossom end rot can cause. Losing something that 

you've spent hours growing can be heartbreaking, especially when there are chances to avoid losing the plant. As frustrating as it is to think about losing your plants, we care about our gardeners' success, and that is why we are focusing this week's article on How to Easily Recognize & Fix Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes. 

What is Blossom End Rot? 

This common tomato problem is caused by a lack of calcium in the fruit and results in ugly black spots on the bottom of the fruit. While blossom end rot is unsightly, it's not harmful to humans and doesn't affect the taste of the fruit. If you suspect your tomatoes have blossom end rot, there are a few things you can do to save them.


Why Your Raised Garden Needs Extra Tender, Love, & Care (TLC) During The Summer & Fall Months

Your raised garden needs extra care during the hottest months of summer and as fall approaches. The days are shorter, the sun is stronger, and the heat can be overwhelming. Water your plants deeply and regularly, especially during dry spells. Mulch around your plants to help retain moisture. And give them a little extra attention to keep them looking their best.

Dangers of Blossom End Rot

Blossom end rot is a serious problem for many fruit and vegetable growers. This disease can cause the plant to rot and leads to the loss of crop yield. There are many different types of blossom end rot, but the most common one is caused by a lack of calcium in the plant. Several factors can cause this, including improper irrigation, high temperatures, and poor soil fertility.

How To Recognize Blossom End Rot In Your Garden

Blossom End Rot appears as a dark brown or black lesion on the blossom end of the fruit. The lesion can be circular or angular, and can appear sunken and leathery. Blossom end rot is a dangerous plant disease that can affect tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. It can cause the fruit of the affected plant to rot and can make the plant itself more susceptible to other diseases.

The hot summer months can be extremely tough on your garden. The heat can cause plants to wilt, and rot can happen at any moment. It is important to take extra care of your garden during these months. Here are some tips on how to keep your garden healthy during the summer months.

3 Easy Steps To Fix Blossom End Rot On Your Tomatoes

Once you've identified the problem, the next step is to fix it. The best way to do this is to provide your plants with adequate calcium. You can do this by adding lime to your soil or by using a calcium fertilizer. 

1.) Remove Every Affected Tomato From Your Raised Garden 

To get rid of blossom end rot, you'll need to remove all of the affected tomatoes from your garden and dispose of them properly. You should also make sure to keep an eye on your other tomatoes and remove any that show similar signs of the disease.

2.) Water Remaining Tomatoes With Powdered Milk

Watering your tomatoes with powdered milk will help to prevent blossom end rot. The lack of calcium in the fruit causes blossom end rot, so watering your plants with powdered milk will help prevent it.

3.) Water Your Plants Twice a Day (More If It's Extremely Hot Outside)

Preventing blossom end rot in your raised garden is all about watering thoroughly. Make sure you give your plants enough water so that the roots can uptake the moisture and the plant can use it to prevent the fruit from rotting. Rotting usually occurs when the fruit is exposed to too much sun and heat, so make sure you keep an eye on the weather and water accordingly. If it’s a scorcher outside, use more water than you’d normally give your raised garden. It’s always safe to be thorough and kind to your plants.

Frame It All stocks an entire inventory of garden beds, tools to help you plan better, and an extensive line of gardening equipment designed to protect your homegrown crops and vegetables year-round.

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