What Should I Companion Plant In My Raised Garden Bed This Season?

What Should I Companion Plant In My Raised Garden Bed This Season?

If you're looking for a way to spruce up your garden this season, consider companion planting. Companion planting is a fantastic way to add interest and variety to your garden, and it's also a great way to deter pests and attract beneficial insects. There are a number of different ways to approach companion planting, so it's easy to find a method that works for you. 

In this blog, you’ll learn: 

  • Why companion planting is so popular this season 
  • Which plants are great to plant together 
  • Why raised garden beds work the best for companion planting 
  • How Frame It All can help you protect your crops during the cool season 

What Is Companion Planting?

One great gardening tip is to plant your plants close together. This is called companion planting, and it has many benefits. Companion planting can help to deter pests, attract pollinators, and even improve the flavor of your fruits and vegetables.


Why Companion Planting Is So Popular This Season 

This season, companion planting is more popular than ever. Why? Because it's a great way to save space in your garden, and it can also help your plants to thrive. Companion planting is the practice of growing two or more different types of plants together in close proximity. This can be done for a number of reasons, including saving space, improving the health of the plants, and attracting beneficial insects. 

If you want to see the entire list of this season’s companion plants and the crops you should avoid planting together, check out our complimentary Know and Grow Guide


Raised Garden Beds Help Plants Thrive

Raised garden beds can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, stone, or even recycled plastic. They are typically 4-6 feet wide and can be as long as you like. One of the great things about raised garden beds is that they can be customized to fit your space. You can have multiple beds side by side or even stacked on top of each other. Another benefit is that you can control the soil mix, which is important for healthy plants.


How Raised Garden Beds Help Improve Your Companion Planting

Raised garden beds provide a number of benefits for those looking to improve their companion planting. First, raised beds can help improve drainage and aeration in the soil, both of which are important for plant growth. 

Additionally, raised beds can help to keep weeds at bay, giving your plants a better chance to thrive. Finally, raised garden beds can make it easier to control the overall environment in which your plants are growing, making it easier to create the ideal conditions for companion planting.


Which Companion Plants Are Perfect for Planting This Season?

You might be wondering what companion plants work best this season. We’ve compiled a list of the most popular plants you can grow during this season with your raised garden bed: 


Plant #1: Tomatoes 

Tomatoes are great companion plants for a number of reasons. They help to deter pests, improve the flavor of other plants, and increase the overall yield of the garden. When planted next to basil, tomatoes help to repel aphids and other pests. The flavor of tomatoes is enhanced when they are grown next to oregano, sage, or garlic. And, finally, tomatoes improve the yield of other plants when they are grown next to beans or peas. So, if you're looking for a versatile and helpful plant to add to your garden, tomatoes are a great choice!

Tomatoes work best with companion plants that repel pests & diseases:

  • Garlic, chives, and onions help to deter munching pests
  • Asparagus repels tomato nematodes
  • Borage repels tomato hornworm 

Plant #2: Cabbages

Cabbages are perfect for companion planting because they help to keep pests and diseases at bay. When planted alongside other vegetables, they help to create a healthy and balanced ecosystem that benefits all the plants involved. Cabbages also help to improve the soil quality and retain moisture, making them an ideal plant for any garden.

Cabbages work best with the companion plants that repel moths and pests:

  • Borage deters cabbage moth caterpillars.
  • Marigolds deter cabbage maggots.
  • Garlic deters a multitude of pests due to its sulfur compounds.

Plant #3:  Cucumbers

Cucumbers are useful in companion planting due to their ability to produce a natural pesticide called cucurbitacin. This substance helps to repel many common garden pests, including aphids, cucumber beetles, and squash bugs. Cucumbers also produce plenty of vines, which can help to support other plants in the garden. When planted near squash or pumpkins, cucumbers can help to keep these vining plants from taking over the garden.

Cucumbers are great to companion plant with: 

  • Onions
  • Nasturtiums attract beneficial insects that will feed on cucumber beetles.

Ensure Your Crops Grow Best With Frame It All Raised Garden Bed

If you’re looking to get the best results from your cool season planting, we recommend taking a look at our Raised Gardens. With 48 square feet of available planting area in three separate gardens beds, this may be all the garden you will ever need to grow a good variety of your favorite veggies, herbs, or flowers; from luscious tomatoes to fragrant herbs or a complete salsa or spaghetti sauce garden. Also, don’t forget to access our Know Grow Guide to learn more about companion planting and more about which companion plants work best together. 

With this 4' x 12' Raised Garden Bed, you’ll be able to grow your favorite cool-season vegetables in no time at all. 

Click Here To Purchase Your Raised Garden Bed Today

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